How an Ant Tells His Friends about a Cookie

Let’s start with a short story, shall we? An ant finds a cookie on the ground. 10 minutes later there are hundreds of ants all eating and carrying pieces of the cookie to the colony. Now there are lots of happy ants. The end. So how did he do it!? How was an ant, who … Continue reading

Labor Day: A Marketing Story

Do you know the history of Labor Day? Neither did I. (Thanks Wikipedia!) Though now that I do there is a beneficial story that applies to our businesses and marketing plans today. In 1894, railroad workers went on a large-scale strike that temporarily halted production of Pullman railroad cars. Workers refused to have anything to … Continue reading

The Future is Video Marketing

Most marketers may agree that video marketing plays an important role in an overall marketing strategy. Most marketers may agree that viral videos increase brand awareness. However I am not hearing many marketers talking about the immense popularity of video marketing and the longevity of its impact. First, the stats. The annual growth of YouTube … Continue reading

How important is social media ROI?

Ladies and gentlemen. Let’s discuss something major. The question is, “How important is social media ROI?” This has been an important question and there many differing opinions. Personally, I am interested to hear your opinion! Leave a comment below or use the hashtag #GsmROI. Forward to colleagues, bloggers, followers, and friends! My opinion is social … Continue reading

Who Knew The Lunar Eclipse Could Be So Social?!

Right now the lunar eclipse is underway! The only way I know this is because Google changed their logo to a cool eclipse graphic that linked to the Google search. Once you click on the link you are complete swept away by tweets, articles, videos, and live streaming events complete with color commentary. “That is one … Continue reading

social media is better than email: part 2

How many times have you seen a link to a personal website or online portfolio in someone’s email signature? It is rare. You receive a message, maybe an attachment, and some boring, insincere signature. Contrast that with receiving message on facebook or LinkedIn where a picture is displayed AND the name is linked to a … Continue reading

social media is better than email: reason 1

here is somethinG to consider as you are connectinG with key decision makers. messaGes from linkedin or facebook do not frustratingly disappear nor do the messaGes Go to a junk folder like emails. “Twenty percent of email in the United States and Canada is still not making it to the inbox while 3% of email … Continue reading

what sells a service?

it takes a very Good salesman to sell a service such as consultinG work but there are 2 key factors that contribute to the sale of a service. the first factor is relationships. throuGh the onslauGht of technoloGy and social media, professional service companies should still emphasize buildinG relationships and havinG personal meetinGs. with any … Continue reading

Social Media and the Professional Service Industry

contrary to popular opinion, social media is useful and effective for professional service businesses. certainly as a brand-building tool but also as a means of openinG lines of communication to individuals and businesses you would like to work with. i understand that professional service companies have different marketinG Goals and i can create a strateGy … Continue reading